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An analysis of the Dynamic correspondence of the split jerk exercise to a boxing rear straight punch

The development of a good strength and conditioning program requires profound knowledge of the athlete’s athletic capabilities and the demands of the sport itself. In order to achieve performance transfer, exercise professionals should consider developing the key performance indicators (Piedade, Imhoff, Clatworthy & Cohen, 2019).

Transfers of training Goodwin & Cleather (2015) raise the idea that transfer of training affects can be divided into three categories. The first of which being “primary transfer” where improvements in the skill itself are directly influenced by training the skill or parts of the skill itself. In this instance kinematics of the training activity are very similar to those of the sporting skill.

Secondary transfer refers to an improvement in a capacity utilised in the skill. An example of this would be training for a component as opposed to training a specific movement. Such as training the power component through performing a jerk exercise with the aim of it transferring to a more powerful punching strike. Regarding the sport of boxing, the renowned term “knockout power” is widely utilized as the knockout is often a frequent goal during a fight. Chaabene, et al., (2015), analysed physical and physiological attributes of amateur boxers and found that power is a key component to boxing success. Studies analysing the jerk exercise show that this movement produces high values of power output ranging from 2500 to 6953 W for peak power and 2590- 4321 W for mean power (Garhammer, 1980; Garhammer, 1982; Garhammer, 1985).

Lastly, Tertiary transfer relates to an improvement in a capacity that facilitates later primary or secondary transfers, for example training muscle groups which are not directly involved in the sporting skill but will provide muscular balance and robustness which will in turn increase performance. Likewise, another example could be training a component such as hypertrophy to achieve a level of robustness which later facilitates the ability to train more specific skills (primary transfer) ultimately resulting in increased performance. Underlying the acceptance of the fact that general training should be an important factor of the training continuum, ultimately leading to specific activities correspondingly.

Justification for exercise choice should be at the core of any program design by addressing specific needs, utilizing an evidence-based approach and/or experienced professional reasoning (English, Amonette, Graham & Spiering, 2012). The Dynamic Correspondence module developed by Yuri Verkhoshansky in the early 1990s compliments this idea. This module attempts to systemize the ideas previously shared by quantifying directed components (Suarez, Wagle, Cunanan, Sausaman & Stone, 2019). These include (a) amplitude and direction of movement, (b) region of accentuated force production, (c) dynamics of the effort, (d) rate and time of maximal force production and (e) regime of muscular work (Verkhoshansky & Siff, 2009).

This criterion supports the inclusion of exercise variation in the training stimulus when recognising this to be an important factor in a training programme. Although too much variation has been shown to attenuate performance gains, the adherence to resistance training programs appears to be enhanced (Baz-Valle, Schoenfeld, Torres-Unda, Santos-Concejero & Balsalobre- Fernández, 2019). Exercise professionals should consider both variables and plan with the allowance of adequate time for adaptation and overload whilst also considering exercise motivation and adherence.

This blog aims to evaluate the dynamic correspondence of the jerk exercise to a cross punch in combat sports. Used to inflict damage, the cross punch is arguably the most forceful punch utilized in boxing. Numerous studies suggest that punching force is a critical fight winning contributor (Pierce, Reinbold, Lyngard, Goldman & Pastore, 2006; Stanley, Thomson, Smith & Lamb, 2018). The punching skill in boxing can be performed both cyclically and acyclically usually determined depending on the situation (Dempsey and Cuddy, 1950). This essay will focus on evaluating the dynamic correspondence of an acyclinical single strike.

Amplitude and direction of movement

These have been described to be two of the most apparent facets of specificity (Suarez et al., 2019). In simplistic terms it suggests that the exercise should look like the sport skill itself, thus possessing identical kinematic components. Amplitude can be portrayed as the range of motion of a movement. Direction of movement is perhaps the most recognizable form of specificity and refers to direction of which the exercise is performed in relation to the sporting skill, consequently recruiting the same muscular structures. The jerk exercise begins with the lifter standing completely upright holding the barbell across the anterior deltoids. The lifter then performs a rapid flexion of the knee and hip joints typically less than 90 degrees of flexion at the knee, with around 120 degrees being classed as the ideal angle (Grabe & Widule, 1988). This is followed by a rapid and forceful extension of the same joints projecting the bar vertically, like the motion of the rear leg in a cross punch (Tong-Iam, Rachanavy and Lawsirirat, 2017). Boxing punches are also complex actions which entail the recruitment of leg, trunk and arm musculature to operate synergistically in a directed fashion (Turner, Baker & Miller, 2011). Previous studies have shown that more experienced boxers possess the ability to produce superior force due to a greater contribution of the lower limbs (Filimonov, Koptsev, Husyanov & Nazarov, 1985). Whilst no methodology was presented in Filimonov et al., (1985) article, kinematic profiling of comparable actions in sports such as tennis (Reid, Elliott & Alderson, 2008), javelin (Whiting, Gregor & Halushka, 1991) and baseball pitching (Oliver & Keeley, 2010) suggest that more force is produced when a distal to proximal movement pattern is effectuated. This technique requires the athlete to initiate the movement with a front foot lift, subsequently stepping forward, as this occurs the athlete projects their centre of mass over their base of support (rear foot) which results in anterior rotation due to the downward acceleration of the centre of mass caused by gravity. The front foot then must deaccelerate upon contacting the floor with a firm front leg, thus producing very similar deceleration kinematics to the catch phase of the jerk split (Grabe & Widule, 1988).

Elbow extension also corresponds presenting amplitude similarities but slight difference in directionof movement. In both movements elbow extension occurs at very similar end stages, becoming the last point of extension. Regarding amplitude the elbow extends from a fully flexed position to complete extension. Similar to what is presented in the cross punch with a flexed initial phase of the elbow progressing to full extension close to impact. During the boxing cross punch as the athlete steps forward into the punch, a quick pelvis and shoulder rotation in the transverse plane is followed, transferring kinetic energy thus contributing to a more powerful punch (Turner, Baker and Miller, 2011). There is no correspondence concerning this transverse rotation due to the jerk taking place primarily in the sagittal plane.

Region of accentuated force production

This refers to the joint range of motion, when the highest rates of force production are being applied. Meaning that different forces are expressed at different joint angles. During the jerk exercise highest rates of force production are applied during the concentric “thrust phase” with the occurrence of triple extension angles very similar to those shown in the rear cross punch by (Lenetsky et al., 2019). Ground reaction forces have been shown to be the highest in the breaking movements. For the cross-punch ground reaction forces were higher in the front foot during the end phase of the punch, the same was observed during the jerk with the most ground reaction forces being presented in the front foot of the split catch generating an impact loading rate of 285.3 ± 118.7 BW (Lake, Lauder & Dyson, 2006). Interestingly, research has shown a correlation between peak lead leg ground reaction forces and peak fist velocity (r = 0.56) (Stanley, Thomson, Smith & Lamb, 2018). Suggesting that athletes need to possess good levels of eccentric strength in the lower extremities to resist high forces being applied.

Dynamics of the effort

Dynamics of effort relates to the principle of overload, suggesting that the effort that is produced by the athlete in the training exercise (jerk) should be greater or equal to the skill itself (cross straight punch). It has been suggested that the jerk is the exercise where the largest loads are pressed above head (Hori et al., 2005), however it must be exerted as quickly as possible to increase lift completion chances (Stone et al., 2006). Impact force for maximal cross punch has been shown to range between 3500 N and 4800 N (Atha et al., 1985). Ground reaction forces have also been shown to be much greater in the jerk (3.5 ± 1.2 BW) than in those presented by Stanley et al., (2018) in the cross punch (1.56 ± 0.26 BW) suggesting that force effort is much greater during the jerk exercise. In addition to this, breaking ground reaction forces are key contributing aspects to both of these movements (as described in the regime of muscular work criterion) with greater occurring levels observed in the jerk exercise.

In relation to jabs and cross punches, the impact forces are a product of summated forces applied simultaneously by the lower and upper limbs. At high velocities the main contributor for high values of impact is the ability to transfer the momentum of force from the lower limbs to the upper limbs. A study by Loturco et al., (2016) carried out maximal isometric force assessments which included the bench press, squat and rate of force development tests of them both also, finding that only the measurable isometric force of the squat produced significantly high correlations with punching impact, underlining the importance of the lower limbs in applying force during punches.

Rate and Time of maximal force production

Rate and Time of maximal force production implies for consideration of the time accessible for the athlete to perform the sporting skill. Similarly, to the principle of overload described in the dynamics of effort, the time available to generate force in the sporting skill should be identical or greater than of the exercise selected. When evaluating this criterion, it is also important to analyse the rate to force development present in both activities.

A study by Stanley, Thomson, Smith & Lamb, (2018) shows that the average delivery time of a rear hand cross punch is 495 ± 150 (m/s). Other studies show it can take up to 816 (m/s) (Walilko, 2005) and as little as 300 (m/s) (Turner, Baker and Miller, 2011) depending on the level of the athlete. Along with the jab the cross punch is one of the fastest punches due to trajectory being of a linear nature. Research shows that maximal force production occurs upon impact of the punch, meaning that the time available to produce force ranges from 300 to 816 (m/s). The jerk exercise has been reported to possess a duration of 1 (s) performed at loads of 80% of 1RM with maximal force production occurring at 700 (m/s) (Lake, Lauder & Dyson, 2006). Typically punch rate of force development would be a lot faster than the jerk, though the need for a longer punching technique can result in a more forceful punch due to increased amplitude. Concluding that the jerk could potentially correspond to the cross punch regarding this criterion, however this would depend on athlete experience for the cross punch and load of the jerk exercise.

Regime of muscular work

Regime of muscular work refers to how similarly the working muscles are operating in the sporting skill in comparison to the training exercise. Factors such as type of muscular contraction, temporal aspects of the movement (one off or repeated, also known as acyclic or cyclic) and whether there use of the stretch shortening cycle ismanifested.

During the Jerk exercise an impulsive triple extension of the ankles, knees and hips occur portrayed by a stretch shortening cycle of the lower body transferred through the trunk, followed by re-bend of the knees in a split stance to catch the bar in an overhead position. In this overhead position the trunk, lower and upper body musculature works to balance and stabilise the lifter under the bar. There is no doubt that speed and strike force are paramount contributing factors to a successful punch. Force generates faster movement; however corresponding stiffness slows the modification of muscle shape and joint velocity. A study by McGill et al., 2010 investigated double peak muscle activation to enhance strike speed and force, finding that torso muscles appear to activate in a double pulse sequence with the first pulse occurring upon or just before initiation of motion, with the second pulse occurring just before striking impact. It is proposed that these pulses occur to stiffen the body to strengthen limb motion dynamics, this was described by Neto, Magini and Saba, (2007) as enhancing the “effective mass”. The first “core” contraction is manifested in order to produce inertial mass allow striking limb muscles to force against to commence limb motion. The second peak occurs to increase stiffness, resulting in a higher effective mass through the kinetic chain ultimately leading in a more forceful impact. These findings are further supported by Blum, (1977) which suggested stiffening of the upper limb and torso aids in generating “higher mass”. It is accepted that stiffness reduces velocity rates, underlying the importance of relaxation and contraction timing for optimal punching performance. This may require a certain level of skill and experience and can possibly be one of the factors contributing to the fact that training experience is significantly correlated to hand peak acceleration prior to impact (r 2=0.456, =0.032) (Neto, Marzullo, Bolander & Bir, 2013). Slow myosin heavy chain isoform dominant muscles have been shown to maintain an increased relaxation period than muscles that are transformed to a fast muscle utilizing hind limb unloading and hyperthyroidism intervention (Caiozzo, 2002). This is particularly interesting due to a common aim of changing fibre metabolism to fast twitch and speed up contraction and relaxation rates via the use of Olympic weightlifting practices (McGill, 2009).

Furthermore, in regard to core stiffness and its impact on force a study by Lee & McGill, (2016) found that isometric core training improved impact force in the cross by (1895.2 N). Crommert, Ekblom and Thorstensson, (2011) suggested training the clean and jerk lift may affect trunk muscular activation and coordination, furthermore there is a higher demand of postural control of the body as the bar rises higher suggesting that the jerk derivative may be an appropriate exercise choice to develop this quality. In support of this argument, a study by (Crommert, Ekblom and Thorstensson, 2013) suggests that transversus abdominis activity is augmented by postural demand, namely with bar in an overhead position.

It is also important to note that trunk rotation has been shown to play a substantial role in delivering a powerful strike (Tong-Iam, Rachanavy and Lawsirirat, 2017), showing no correspondence in relation to the jerk as no rotation is present. Coupled with other core training methods the prescription of the jerk exercise to enhance core activation through the kinetic chain can be a great tool to use as part of a well-rounded program.

In the jerk lift the first eccentric loading phase of the lower muscular extremities transfer effectively to the first phase of the cross punch where a shift to the rear foot occurs. This is followed by a stretch shortening cycle occurring in both the jerk and cross punch phases by generating concentric contractions at the ankles, knees and hips extensors (both feet during the jerk and rear foot during the punch). The next transferable aspect is the stretch shortening cycle and isometric contractions of the core in both movements, with additional rotation during the punch. This is followed by concentric elbow extension actions and shoulder isometric contraction (upon contact during the punch and during overhead position during the jerk). Lastly and perhaps the most visually evident correspondent pattern of movement is the split action during the jerk lift which possesses similar “body shape” to the cross punch. The notable aspect of attention here is the forceful deacceleration action of the front leg during both the jerk catch and last phase of the punching action. Based on previous research it was anticipated that rear leg would have more impact on rear hand punches and lead leg on lead hand punches (Cheraghi et al., 2014; Turner et al., 2011; Yan-Ju et al., 2013), thus expecting that the rear leg would generate greater ground reaction forces during rear hand punches and vice versa for lead hand punches and lead hand leg. However, current findings reveal that lead leg ground reaction forces are higher for both lead hand punches and unexpectedly rear hand punches. This can be explained by high vertical braking forces placed on the lead foot. This occurrence has also been observed in other activities which possess comparable lower body kinematics to the rear hand punches (triple extension of ankles, knees and hips; trunk rotation; quick lengthening of the arm). In the sport of shot putting Bartonietz (1994), stated that forces were produced by the lead leg up to three times that of the rear leg, although no figures were presented other studies supported this statement by determining that 95% of shot velocity was affected by vertical braking forces generated by the lead leg (McCoy, Gregor, Whiting and Rich (1984).

A choice of exercise does not need to fit all Yuri Verkhoshansky criteria of dynamic correspondence. It is up to coach to establish reasoning of exercise choice and therefore identify characteristic or criteria he wants to improve. Based on current evaluation of the jerk exercise in regard to the cross-punching technique it can be recognised that the jerk can be an excellent exercise to train energy transfer through the kinetic chain, develop force production and absorption qualities, increase speed-strength/ strength-speed qualities. Special consideration for choice of load will influence the desired outcome of some of the evaluated criterions. Based on this evaluation it is fair to conclude that the jerk exercise can be a valuable exercise inclusion to strength and conditioning programme designed for athletes looking to improve cross punch performance.

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